Saturday, November 25, 2006

PPQ Dungeness Island

Who has time to blog about breakfast when there are so many delicious things to eat this week. Not only did we stuff ourselves (burp) on Thanksgiving with turkey, wild rice, mashed pototatoes, rutabagas, squash casserole, green beans, endive/blue cheese/pecan appetizers, cranberry sauce, pumpkin cheesecake, pecan pie, ginger spice cookies, bourbon balls, but yesterday we realized... it's CRAB SEASON. We always screw this up and miss it.

Determined not to blow it this year, we drove straight to PPQ Dungeness Island restaurant in the Richmond district. A few years ago, we went to the WRONG PPQ restaurant in the Sunset and there wasn't much crab on the menu. Huh? We said to each other, confused. We thought this was the place to go eat crab, where are the giant crabs? Turns out it was a whole different PPQ. Who knew?

Friday we went to the correct PPQ (I think the giveaway is that it's PPQ "Dungeness" Island.) We immediately ordered the "crab dinner for two" (which is kind of like shouting -- "BRING US A GIANT CRAB") and eagerly awaited our giant bibs that said "Time to get cracking'" on them. It's odd to have a waiter put a bib on you, I guess I've missed out on that experience by avoiding the Red Lobster and other shirt-protection-required restaurants. It wasn't as bad as I thought, and he tied it up tight.

Crab dinner for two is not a good first date dinner -- 1) you must wear a giant bib 2) it's hard to make conversation when you are poking into crab parts with a tiny fork 3) you get crab & garlicky sauce all over yourself and make a big mess. Crab dinner for two is perfect for old married people who know the messy extremes of their sweetheart and have an agreed upon gluttony arrangement.

Crab dinner for two --- Imperial Rolls, Chicken Salad, Roasted CRAB, garlic noodles and deep fried bananas and ice cream. We decided that this would be our new day-after-Thanksgiving tradition, making a beeline to the PPQ Dungeness Island crab palace, especially now that we know where it is.

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