Sunday, May 27, 2007

Picked Yesterday!

It's blueberry season! The Chef & I are always happy to see the blueberries make their brief appearance at the farmer's market. Last week they were all gone by the time we got there (dammit!) so Saturday we showed up early and raced DIRECTLY to the blueberry stall. We bought enough to bake with, and some extra to pop directly into our mouths.

Our blueberry bounty (and beer!)

The magic that takes place in the oven.

"Galette" is a fancy name for PIE.

Voila! is a fancy way to say "get a load of this!"


Anonymous said...

OH! How beautiful! I am salivating like a dog.

Beer and pie; you are my people.


Kim Bitter said...

Hey! We had blueberry pie for breakfast this morning. That's what happens when one bakes late at night. Delayed gratification.

Magpie said...
