Wednesday, May 02, 2007

I heart blogs!

As my life cascades into a whirlwind of BUSY with the new job (OMG) -- I am really diggin' this blog thing. I came home tonight to discover that Rockmama spent her weekend celebrating birthdays in the sunshine w/ lots of happy faced kiddies and libations, Irish Goddess bought a bunch of cool books that I want to discuss with her, jet lagged DJ Big Cookie has a new neighborhood in Paris (!), Rodeo Queen ventured outside (!) and delivered a "comeback food post" about lemon slushies and chicken pot pies and the librarian's sweetheart got a kick ass haircut! Thumbs up on the haircut -- lookin' good librarian's sweetheart!

Oh yes, and thanks to y'alls for the anniversary wishes -- that sure was a fun day. There were accordions and we ate cake. Some of us avoided the whiskey and scored points for that wise decision. Others drank coffee cups of beer and stayed up all night. I was always opposed to girls who said that their wedding day was the "happiest day of their life" (yawn) but GODDAMMIT, it sure was a good day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looking back, I was a complete dork at my wedding, but it was still the greatest party I've ever been to!