Sunday, May 13, 2007

Kaboom Do-Over

This time last year we invited Dr. & Mrs. Virus to join us for dinner in the neighborhood and then walk up to Misson Dolores Park, where we would have a spectacular view of the Kaboom fireworks event. (It's a radio station sponsored thing that equals fireworks in May.) That night we ate dinner with one eye on the clock and then rushed over to the park. No one was there. We wondered if we already missed it. We sat on a bench and talked for a while and nothing happened so then we all walked home. That night I looked up the event on the internet and realized it was actually NEXT weekend. I had gotten the date wrong. Oops.

So last week we made plans with Dr. & Mrs. Virus to go out to eat in the neighborhood. A few days later we realized that it was the same night as the Kaboom fireworks. When I mentioned this to Dr. Virus, he responded with, "Do you mean that it's NEXT weekend?" ho ho ho.

Thus, after dinner at the Velvet Cantina we walked AGAIN up to Dolores Park and AGAIN grabbed a bench at the top of the hill to watch the fireworks display. This year it seemed more promising -- there were other people with blankets and radios who seemed to have the date right. The fog had cleared, the fireworks started exploding and we ooohed and ahhed and sang a long loudly to the"world class rock" soundtrack of some crap songs and some okay songs.

I'm glad we got this Kaboom do-over because it's way more fun to sit on a bench in Dolores Park on a clear (but chilly) evening in San Francisco if there is a well-timed fireworks display.

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