Monday, February 04, 2008

Scarlett Stumps

Earlier today Scarlett Johansson called to tell us to vote for Barack. And if someone claims that a video involving scarlett, and kareem abdul jabbar is "grassroots" -- I say pleeeze. That's as good as throwing in some sweeping John Williams orchestrations behind a Steven Spielberg death scene in the department of emotional manipulation. I wish this election were over already and we could cheer on the first black atheist woman elected as President and shut that other guy up. Do we have to wait until November?

p.s. Scarlett ain't the boss of me. However, if Sally Timms called to ask me to vote for Mike Gravel, I would totally do it.

Update: Stevie Wonder called us on Tuesday. (still not Sally Timms)

1 comment:

Kim Bitter said...

No one called us . . . not even Todd Bridges or Gallagher.