Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Happy Birthday Silly Sister

It was my older (ha!) sister's birthday yesterday. I'm wishing her a happy birthday via blog TODAY to see if she is still checking this thing. She's the only person in my family that knows about my secret blog. A blog that is so secret that it is published for all the world to see.
My sister and I shared a room growing up, and once we got past the kicking and biting and scratching part in our tweens, we became great friends. We were even college roommates for a while, which worked out nicely and involved no kicking and scratching at all. However, there may have been a little rebellious rum drinking and cigarette smoking.

My sister and I share the same family coping mechanism -- responding to most things with hysterical laughter -- which provided us with long jags of giggling until our stomachs hurt. My father started to call us the Silly Sisters (who are actually a real musical act that I now know and love -- but not as much as I love my sister.)

Happy Birthday Silly Sister -- and don't tell mom I have a blog!


Anonymous said...

I've never seen a picture of you from that era before. I love it. Silly Sister's sweater and your jacket are so familiar.

Rock Mama said...

Knowing that you recently saw my highschool graduation photo, it comforts me to see this.

HausFrau said...

Ah, I believe this was just the start of my downward spiral into adolescent braces-wearing puberty hell. Guessing age 14? When I wasn't being a silly sister I was very unhappy about the whole thing.

Need I explain why? ; )

Anonymous said...

Oh, my friend! This is a jolt to me, to see the past again. Those were such painful times, but when I see this picture of you I remember how happy you made me. And happy birthday to the Silly Sister - I still remember sitting next to her in French class and her telling the story about making her boyfriend (a Crubaugh?) do a face mask with her.

HausFrau said...

I think that was Sara C.'s sister with the face mask story. My sister never dated a Crubaugh, lucky thing as that would have tormented me.

By the way, the Chef is now trying to match my bravery by finding his own pimply faced braces photo. I challenge you all! (mad laughter)

Anonymous said...

now that's throwing down the gauntlet Mz Haus Frau!!! However, I might shut down the Internet with mine while Homeland Security investigates so will be sure to send you my prize head shot of adolescence off-line and privately, heh heh

Anonymous said...

Hey- thanks for posting such a silly picture!!! What?! Look out Gene Simmons! Love-One of those Silly Sisters Thanks for the birthday wishes!