Monday, April 16, 2007

Limey Sunbathers

Our last few days in London were spent in a sweltering heat -- a bit toasty for Californians who escaped to the UK to enjoy Springtime temperatures and extend their scarf and glove wearing season. Instead of that stylish bliss, this past weekend Londoners were wearing tank tops and flip-flops (horrors!) and tragically we didn't pack any summertime clothes as we jammed up all our suitcase space with woolly sweaters. The solution? Instead of being confined inside the Victoria & Albert Museum (aw) we took British Light Rail to the historic borough of Greenwich to join the other pasty faced punters enjoying the unexpected heat in the park.

We strolled, we sweated, we looked at old clocks and telescopes in the Royal Observatory Museum -- We searched for the Queen Elizabeth Oak and stood on the (lower) Prime Meridian (because there wasn't a line for standing on the line there.)

We ended the afternoon in an idyllic summertime fashion by drinking pints on the back patio of the Greenwich Union -- a paradise of delicious ales brewed locally by Meantime Brewing.

That's right, it all happened yesterday (mid-April!) in London -- a place that it is usually overcast and rainy and not associated with flip-flops. Seems like an odd time and place to get down with the summertime, but there were witnesses (below) who will attest to these events and that global warming is good for beer drinking. We could have stayed until closing time.

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