Sunday, July 22, 2007

Peaches & Beans

Saturday we woke up in a crazy money spending mood and decided to visit the fancy Ferry Plaza Farmer's Market downtown (instead of our usual low-rent neighborhood regular folks farmer's market that is just a few blocks away from our house.) The produce may be more expensive, but the waterfront view is much nicer than the intersection of Highways 101 and 280. There was even an old clipper ship sailing on the bay!

Our goal was to spend next week's lunch money on peaches. Super fabulous perfect picked at the exact second of ripening and hand carried in velvet gloves (to prevent bruising) straight into the hands of the wealthy people peaches. We didn't even glance at all other peaches there that looked just as perfect -- we headed straight to Frog Hollow Farms. I think this makes us more spendthrift than wealthy.

We gave them all our money, and they gave us a few perfect "summer lady" variety peaches. Later the Chef added lemongrass, romano beans and chicken and turned them into a summertime dinner salad. He is magic!


oshareneko said...

Ahhhh! fantastic! I love your food adventure.

Rock Mama said...

Best description of peaches EVER!

Anonymous said...

I can smell those peaches from here!