Saturday, June 30, 2007


Speaking of children (and still not speaking of cats -- just rats) this afternoon the Chef and I went to see a crowded matinee showing of the new foodie Pixar movie "Ratattouie."

There were lots of children in the theater, but everyone made loud noises in appropriate places. It reminded us that sometimes it's fun to see a movie in a crowded theater and not just from a sofa seat at home.

Thumbs up, way up -- we recommend seeing this movie in the middle of the day with lots and lots of children in attendance, because it will make you smile that the adults will still make the biggest gasps, laughs and huzzahs.

1 comment:

Rock Mama said...

Oh, BOY! I can't wait to see this with Papa M and Rosebud. Thanks for the fab review, mein Haus Frau!