Sunday, November 02, 2008

Wedded Bliss

A happy (second) wedding day was celebrated earlier this week -- congratulations to Rodeo Queen and the Great & Powerful Oz on their shotgun nuptials. Those resourceful longtime sweethearts wanted to make a historic broom jump (again) and now their bliss is of the wedded sort. Again.

As they stated so beautifully in their announcement of this occasion to celebrate: As we have often repeated: if we needed legal & societal approval in order to sustain our commitment to each other, we would certainly have broken up long ago. So our wedding marks a different kind of tipping point: a moment of political & cultural significance-nothing less than a watershed between love and hate. The fact of our marriage signals this moment in history, when the State of California has reached a new level of commitment to us, the moment at which we are no longer seen as second-class citizens or as perverted, threatening monsters, but as legitimate, adult human beings capable of true love & deserving of equality under the law.

Our wedding, then, is a celebration not just of our relationship with each other, but of our evolving relationship to society, culture, and our home state of California. We would like to believe that we are entering a new era of love.

...and don't forget to vote No on the Hate, that's a No on Proposition Eight. It's a love vote.

p.s. we look forward to the cake.

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