Thursday, August 28, 2008

Radiohead @ Outside Lands

When you go to a summer music festival in California, there is foo foo-fancy pants concert food available. Fresh fruit? yes! organic ice cream? yes! Cowgirl Creamery cheese? Oh yes. We didn't eat any of it however, as we rushed to claim our close-to-the-front territory with towels and wide leg stance. It's all about the land grab. OK, it was in the VIP section. Don't hate me.

It was a great show, but ranking at #3 personal best Radiohead experience. Lower on the list because of the uber fans standing next to me singing every single song with hand gestures. I don't like that. I want to hear Thom Yorke sing the songs. Is that so crazy? Sing along to the CDs alone in your room why don't you!? When did live music concerts become participatory and not just about LISTENING? Those people sang their hearts out for two hours, but they were not Radiohead. I would not pay to come over to their house and listen to them sing "Karma Police". Would you? Still, it was Radiohead, the sound went out twice, but who cares.


Kim Bitter said...

How did it compare to watching a DVD in my basement?

HausFrau said...

Watching a DVD in your basement was the #1 Radiohead moment. Nice crowd, comfy couch, big screen, good beer, post-sledding and no singing from anyone other than Thom Yorke.