Saturday, August 23, 2008

Laf-A-Lot Party

Back from the big family celebration -- but of course, there were matching T-shirts. To protect their identities, this is but just a small selection of campers who submitted to the glowing gold.

Among many highlights: The nightly 5pm Cocktail Cruise around the lake! Comes with cold drink in hand, cheese and crackers, plus a boat-by check in on the local loons and baby eagles. This is #1 on the list of "best cocktail hours" in the world. drink! food! wildlife nature tour!

Canoe ride through the lily pads and past beaver dams. I come from a family of experienced paddlers. Lots of time at summer camp spent standing knee deep in the lake and practicing the J-stroke technique.

Artsy camp photo series -- minnow cluster #23 and grill fire magic #6.

My dad says that Usinger's make the best sausages and hot dogs in all the land, but "I'm sure others are okay too." We did not disagree and stuffed ourselves with bratwurst. Check out "Milwaukee's Favorites" from their gift offerings.

This champagne cork came from a bottle that had been saved for 50 years. A romantic notion, but only the brave dared to drink the bubbly. Note to self -- drink leftover wedding champagne soon. Tomorrow?

All weekend -- full moon view over the lake at the end of the dock.


Rock Mama said...

These images inspire wonderful Laf-A-Lot memories. How I long for grilled food, the famous Cocktail Cruise and a lovely lake view with my dear campers!

HausFrau said...

back atcha Rock Mama -- I wish the Camp 2 crowd was next door!