Saturday, January 05, 2008

A Mighty Wind

Our power came back on at 3a.m. (this morning) while we were tucked under double duvets and double layers and (ahem) ski hats. Despite stalling around at The Toronado and then Thep Phenom in hopes that we could wait out PG&E repairs, the Chef & I spent last night playing Blackjack by flashlight with our Ommegang deck (thanks Kim & Matt) and watching an episode of "Weeds" on the very tiny iPod screen.

It's still raining today, but we are just happy that the electricity has returned (for now) -- especially the kitties (who spent yesterday all hunched up and giving us "turn the heat up already!" evil eye.)

This morning we strolled around the neighborhood and oo'ed and ah'ed at all the trees that went thud.

Thud. Thud.


Tree carnage that is blocking the entire street.

This is a neighboring fence in our community garden.

1 comment:

Kim Bitter said...

Eek! Glad the cards finally came in handy.