Monday, May 21, 2007

Me and Dr. Sally at the fun fair

Remember Jerry Lewis backyard carnival fundraisers? Here's an old snapshot of one in our backyard, starring Dr. Sally (costumed nicely in a matching hat and raincoat) her brother Michael (every carnival needs a whistle blower!) and me -- I'm the clown. The plastic margarine tub hanging from a string around my neck was meant to collect donations (was I selling not-very-blown-up balloons?) I borrowed the big tennis shoes from my dad. My sister Susan is in the background with her head sticking out of sheet hung across the garage doorway. I believe there was a fee to throw a sponge at her face.


Anonymous said...

YES! Our neighborhood threw at least one of those carnivals. Local kids would come by and take a cursory look around (and then leave) but I don't remember making much money. It was fun making a goofy golf course though. Oh, and the neighbors had a monkey....

Anonymous said...

Ha-thats funny! I don't remember that. That seems like a life time ago. I hope Sally is ok. Are you sure I'd let people throw sponges at my face? You look awfully cute!!! love-sister Susan